
Hi. I'm Sharday.

Welcome to my site. It's here that I document all things related to style, beauty and my experiences as a mother.

shop with the buyer #4

shop with the buyer #4

I realised last week that I own way too many coats. Current count is 3 x heavy duty parkas, 2 x furry coats, 1 x trench coat and 2 x pea/biker coats. Considering I don't live in Siberia, I really don't need so many hence I decided to stop by my favourite consignment store Mine & Yours, to offload a few. It was there that I came across this insane D.Efect Mohair coat that I actually saw full price in NY a few weeks back. The coat was practically free after I traded in a few of my pre-loved clothes. Now that's how you #shopwiththebuyer ;) x Sharday

keepin' cozy

keepin' cozy

